As a little girl I was afraid of water. My mother told me that I was hysterical when she tried to get me into seawater and play there, even though the water was low. It took several years for me to find the joy of playing and swimming in sea. Still I find the water is not my element, but I love to live beside the sea and in my dreams I am a beautiful mermaid, who is afraid of the deep water.;)
This journal page was a little bit too big for my scanner, have to cut up next pages... and pictures in background are from magazines
Pikkutyttönä pelkäsin vettä. Äitini ei saanut minua pois pyörän päältä rannalla, koska kiljuin hysteerisenä.Kesti useita vuosia ja äitini kärsivällisyyttä koeteltiin, mutta jossain vaiheessa huomasin, että vedessä voi leikkiä ja uida. Vesi ei vieläkään ole minun elementtini vaikka asuminen pienessä kaupungissa meren rannalla onkin minulle tärkeää .Meri on voimallinen elementti ja sen vierellä voin asustaa ja sitä edelleen ihailla kaikkina vuoden aikoina.Joten unelmissani olen kaunis merenneito, joka tosin pelkää syvää vettä....
Tämä kuvapäiväkirjan sivu oli vähän liian iso minun skannerille, joten seuraavia pitää pienentää... taustan kuvat ovat aikauslehtileikkeitä.
17 kommenttia:
great piece!!!
Your mermaid piece is beautiful!
Oh to be a beautiful mermaid Hanna in a warm, warm sea. Gorgeous journal page my friend.
Such a fantastic collage.
OMG this is absoutely stunning.
Unbelievable artwork. Love them.
Your collage is wonderful! I love all the colours and patterned papers you have used. Beautiful mermaid!
your journal page is fantastic, so much to see!!
Hanna. this is so gorgeous! I love your story of the mermaid. Lovely journal page.
Beautiful "story"...
Love your wonderful mermaid creation.
This is stunning ! Love your mix of images, textures and colours!
What a wonderful collage piece. The colors are marvelous, and you manage to relay your "distrust" of deep water, which I share. Nice work!
Absolutely gorgeous journal page Hanna- so love the mermaid and wonderful water elements!
What a fun and wonderfully creative piece!! love it!!!
I can identify with your story. I live near the beach in south-western Australian. I am frightened of the water and the SHARKS. I stay in the shallow water but if a piece of seaweed touches my leg I am out of there in case it is a shark.
Your mermaid and your journal page is superb. Your artwork is absolutely fantastic. I love it.
Oh my gosh, this is awesome. This is my first week playing this challenge and the artwork is awesome.
So beautiful! I love your mermaid!
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